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August 16th/8月16日(Day1

VERTICAL/バーティカル 3.5km/+600m

August 17th/8月17日(Day2)

SKY・SHORT/スカイ・ショート 8km/±650m

SKY・MIDDLE/スカイ・ミドル 16km/±1200m

SKY・LONG/スカイ・ロング  25km/±1800m

SKY・RIDGE/スカイ・リッジ  40km/±2700m




Please cooperate in protecting the environment and preventing accidents. Please do not run without permission on ski slopes that are open. The program (courses, schedule, etc.) may be changed up until the day of the event to improve safety, etc. Please be aware of this in advance.


【コース変更について】 ※前日のブリーフィング時に発表します

[Course changes] *To be announced at the briefing the day before
- In case of bad weather, Sky・Ridge course will be shortened (Plan B) = Same course as the Sky・Long course
- In the event of a landslide, the course may be changed for safety reasons

SKYRUN Schedule/スケジュール

08:00  バーティカル受付(10:00まで)
08:30  開会式・ウォーミングアップ&マナー・ルール講習
09:30  スタート開始(部門別ウェーブスタート)
10:30  スタート終了
13:00  表彰式(小学生)
12:30  表彰式(中学生以上)
14:00  スカイ前日受付(17:00まで)
15:30  特別企画①(後日発表)
16:00  スカイ・ブリーフィング
19:00  特別企画②(後日発表)

06:00  リッジ・スタート(一斉スタート)
06:00  当日受付(08:00まで)
07:00  ロング・スタート(一斉スタート)
08:00  ミドル・スタート(一斉スタート)
09:00  ショート・スタート(一斉スタート) 

09:10 みんなでキャベツミニリレー

12:00  表彰式(ショート)
12:30  表彰式(ミドル・ロング)
13:00  表彰式(リッジ)
15:00  ゴール制限時刻

August 16th (Sat) Vertical
08:00 Vertical registration (until 10:00)
08:30 Opening ceremony, warm-up, etiquette and rules seminar
09:30 Start - wave start by division
10:30 Start ends
13:00 Award ceremony (elementary school students)
12:30 Award ceremony (middle school students and above)
14:00 Sky registration the day before (until 17:00)
15:30 Special event ① (to be announced)
16:00 Sky briefing
19:00 Special event ② (to be announced)

August 17th (Sun) Sky
06:00 Ridge start - Mass start
06:00 Registration on the day (until 08:00)
07:00 Long start - Mass start
08:00 Middle start - Mass start
09:00 Short start - Mass start
09:10 Mini cabbage relay for everyone
(Snow relay with cabbage batons)

12:00 Award ceremony (short)
12:30 Award ceremony (middle and long)
13:00 Award ceremony (ridge)
15:00 Finish time limit



[Sky・Ridge Registration]
Since the start time is early, registration is only available the day before. This is a tough course, so we recommend staying overnight in Tsumagoi to get in shape.
























SKYRUN Equipment/装備

[Essential equipment]
-Cold weather jacket (long sleeves)
-Running shoes
[Prohibited equipment]

[Essential equipment]
-Cold weather jacket (long sleeves)
-Thermal blanket (cold weather sheet)
-Bib number
-Drink (500ml or more)
-Supplements and emergency food
[Essential equipment (in rain)]
-Waterproof jacket (top and bottom)
[Prohibited equipment]

*Please wear protective covers when using poles​


・あいさい:水・スポーツドリンク・コーラ・スイカ・菓子類・塩タブレット ※常設トイレ
・毛無峠:水・スポーツドリンク・コーラ・菓子類・塩タブレット ※簡易トイレ

[Aid Station/Facilities: Supplies]
- Summit Station: Water, sports drinks, cola, snacks, salt tablets
- Aisai: Water, sports drinks, cola, watermelon, snacks, salt tablets *Permanent toilets
- Kenashi Pass: Water, sports drinks, cola, snacks, salt tablets *Temporary toilets



概 要:駆け登りレース
関 門:なし
資 格:小学生以上/登山経験者
料 金:5500円(小中学生3500円)



概 要:駆け登り&駆け下りレース(草原のコース)
関 門:制限時間6時間00分
資 格:中学生以上/登山経験者
料 金:6000円(中学生4000円)

概 要:駆け登り&駆け下りレース(尾根と川のコース)
関 門:制限時間7時間00分
資 格:高校生以上/標高2000m以上の登山経験者/山岳レース経験者
料 金:8000円
表 彰:総合1~3位


概 要:嬬恋の壮大な大自然を贅沢に巡るメインコース
関 門:途中1カ所/制限時間8時間00分
資 格:18歳以上/標高2000m以上の登山経験者/山岳レース経験者
料 金:10000円
表 彰:総合1~3位

概 要:2000m級の稜線を制覇するエキスパートコース
関 門:途中3カ所/制限時間9時間00分
資 格:18歳以上/標高2000m以上の登山(縦走)経験者/山岳レース経験者
料 金:12000円
表 彰:総合1~3位

概 要:2000m級の稜線を制覇するエキスパートコース
関 門:途中3カ所/制限時間9時間00分
資 格:18歳以上/標高2000m以上の登山(縦走)経験者/山岳レース経験者
料 金:12000円
表 彰:総合1~5位/年代別1~3位

SKYRUN Category/部門

Day 1


Overview: Climbing race
・When the gondola is in operation: You can descend the mountain by gondola after the race
・When the gondola is not in operation: Please be aware that you will have to descend on your own
Course: 3.5km/+600m
Checkpoints: None
Qualifications: Elementary school students and above/Mountain climbing experience
Fee: 5,500 yen (Elementary and junior high school students 3,500 yen)
Award ①: 1st to 3rd place overall
Award ②: All elementary and junior high school students who completed the race
Award ③: 1st to 3rd place by age group
*29 years old and under (including high school students), 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s
*V GAMES JAPAN Official Race

Day 2

Sky Short (Beginner/Intermediate Course)
Overview: Uphill and downhill race (grassland course)
Course: 8km/±650m
Checkpoint: Time limit 6 hours 00 minutes
Qualifications: Middle school students and above/Mountain climbing experience
Fee: 6,000 yen (Middle school students 4,000 yen)
Award 1: Overall 1st to 3rd place
Award 2: All middle school students who complete the course

Sky Middle (Intermediate/Advanced Course)
Overview: Uphill and downhill race (ridge and River Course)
Course: 16km/±1200m
Checkpoints: Time limit 7 hours 00 minutes
Qualifications: High school students and above/Experienced climbers at altitudes of 2000m or higher/Experienced mountain racers
Fee: 8,000 yen
Awards: 1st to 3rd place overall

Sky Long (Advanced Course)
Summary: The main course that takes you luxuriously through the magnificent natural scenery of Tsumagoi
Course: 25km/±1800m
Checkpoints: 1 checkpoint on the way/Time limit 8 hours 00 minutes
Qualifications: 18 years old ... 000m or higher climbing experience/mountain race experience
Fee: 10,000 yen
Awards: 1st to 3rd place overall

Sky Ridge (expert course)
Overview: Expert course that conquers 2000m ridgelines
Course: 40km/±2700m
Checkpoints: 3 along the way/Time limit: 9 hours 00 minutes
Qualifications: 18 years old or older/experience in climbing (traverse) at altitudes of 2000m or higher/experience in mountain races
Fee: 12,000 yen
Awards: 1st to 3rd place overall

Sky Ridge (Elite) *Only for JSA registrants
Overview: Expert course that conquers 2000m ridgelines
Course: 40km/±2700m
Checkpoints: 3 along the way/Time limit: 9 hours 00 minutes
Qualifications: 18 years old or older/Experience in mountaineering (traverse) at altitudes of 2000m or higher/Experience in mountain racing
Fee: 12,000 yen
Awards: 1st to 5th place overall/1st to 3rd place in each age group
*Skyrunner Japan Series (ISF certified race)



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